Terms & Conditions of Use




A.  Warning on Using the Services of EnviroCleaning4U

When you engage the services of EnviroCleaning4U you will become a party to a relationship where you will be the recipient of services from here on called you, your or the client and EnviroCleaning4U will be called the service provider, we or our in these terms and conditions of use.

Your use of our services, products, website and any other form of communications from EnviroCleaning4U is at your own risk and we give no warranties. Please be warned that you may suffer adversely: you may not get the outcome you wanted or the outcome you desired, and you may suffer loss. EnviroCleaning4U is not responsible for your loss or damage suffered as a result of your using our services, products, website or any other form of communications from EnviroCleaning4U. You use these solely at your own risk and discretion.

Do not use this website or our services and products unless you have read these terms and conditions, and accept that they will govern your right to use and access the information on our website and all our services and products. By using our website, services and products, you signify your continued acceptance of these terms and conditions of use.

EnviroCleaning4U reserves the right to change, modify, add or remove any part of these terms and conditions of use at any time and those changes shall take effect in respect of all subsequent uses by you of our services, products, website or any other form of communications from EnviroCleaning4U. You should, therefore, check these terms every time you use our services, products, website or refer to any communication from EnviroCleaning4U and only if you accept these terms and conditions of use should you proceed to access and use our services, products, website and any other form of communications from EnviroCleaning4U.

Please check these terms and conditions of use regularly prior to using our website, services or products to ensure you are aware of any changes. We will try to highlight any significant or substantive changes to you where possible. If you choose to use EnviroCleaning4U’s website, services and products then EnviroCleaning4U will regard that use as conclusive evidence of your agreement and acceptance that these terms govern yours and EnviroCleaning4U’s rights and obligations to each other.

B.  EnviroCleaning4U Service Team

The client must provide sufficient information about the premises to be cleaned for EnviroCleaning4U to assess the property and provide a written quotation for the work to be undertaken. Once the client accepts the quotation it would be deemed to be binding to these terms and conditions of use and the terms outlined in our quotation for the work to be completed. The client would be expected to make the appropriate payment according to the invoice for the service provided or products purchased according to these terms and conditions and any variations as per our quotation and invoice for payment of the services provided or products purchased.

EnviroCleaning4U will ensure all their employees are trained to use eco-friendly techniques and products for cleaning clients’ premises assigned to be serviced by EnviroCleaning4U.

All employees are fully insured and have their police checks kept up-to-date for clients to be confident and feel secure when our service providers enter your premises to clean as per your agreed quotation and invoice.

C.  Payment for Services Provided

Payments are to be made within 7 (seven) days of the invoice for services provided and must be made by direct deposit or EFTPOS transfer. Payments made must have EnviroCleaning4U’s invoice number; date of service and the name of the client included in the details of the payment transaction.

Employees of EnviroCleaning4U who provide the services are not authorised to discuss payment terms with our clients unless this has been discussed and approved with you by the business owner, Helen Edwards.

D.  Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Commonwealth)

For the purposes of Schedule 2 of the Australian Consumer Law, in particular sections 51 to 53, 64 and 64A of Part 3-2 Division 1 Subdivision A of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth), EnviroCleaning4U’s liability for any breach of a term of any service provision is limited to:

  1. The supplying to you of the services or products again; or
  2. The payment of the costs of having the services and products supplied to you again.

EnviroCleaning4U’s liability is, in all cases, limited and will not exceed, in any instance, the amount paid by you for services provided or products purchased from EnviroCleaning4U through any means whether by direct contact, a Real Estate Agent or the website owned by EnviroCleaning4U or any other form of communication used by EnviroCleaning4U.

E.  Your Privacy

At EnviroCleaning4U we are committed to protecting your privacy. We use the information we collect about you to maximise the services and products that we provide to you. EnviroCleaning4U respects the privacy and confidentiality of the information provided by our clients and adheres to the National Privacy Principles established pursuant to the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth). Please read our separate Privacy Policy carefully as using our website, services or products or any other form of communication from EnviroCleaning4U would deem that you have read and accepted our Privacy Policy.

F.  Link to Other Websites and Affiliated Companies

EnviroCleaning4U may from time to time provide on its website links to other websites and information on those websites for your convenience. This does not necessarily imply sponsorship, endorsement, or approval or arrangements between EnviroCleaning4U and the owners of those websites. EnviroCleaning4U takes no responsibility for any of the content found on the linked websites. EnviroCleaning4U’s website may contain information provided by third parties for which EnviroCleaning4U accepts no responsibility whatsoever for information or advice provided to you directly by third parties. We are not providing any advice, nor do we take any responsibility for any advice or other services or products purchased or received by you from those third parties in this regard, for which the third party shall be wholly responsible to you.

G.  Important Disclaimers

EnviroCleaning4U absolutely disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for any particular purpose. EnviroCleaning4U gives no warranty that the services and products you purchase will be free of errors, or that defects will be corrected or that our website or its server is free of viruses or any other harmful components. Whilst we, at all times endeavour to have the most accurate, reliable and up-to-date information on our website, EnviroCleaning4U does not warrant or make any representations regarding the result of the use of any link or information in its website or as to their correctness, suitability, accuracy, reliability, or otherwise. It is your responsibility and not the responsibility of EnviroCleaning4U to bear any or all entire costs of servicing, repairs, or correction. The applicable law in your jurisdiction may not permit these exclusions, particularly the exclusions of some implied warranties. Some of the above may not apply to you but you must ensure you are aware of any risk you may be taking by using this website and our services and products. It is your responsibility to do so.

H.  When We May be Required to Disclose Your Information

EnviroCleaning4U may be required, in certain circumstances, to disclose information in good faith and where EnviroCleaning4U is required to do so in the following circumstances:

  1. By law or by any court;
  2. To enforce the terms of any of our clients’ agreements; or
  3. To protect the rights, property or safety of EnviroCleaning4U, its employees, its clients or third

Please read our Privacy Policy to ensure that you are fully aware of all our policies regarding the privacy and use of any information any of our clients provide to EnviroCleaning4U to carry out our services or supply our products for our clients to use.

I.  Jurisdiction

These terms and conditions and the use of our website or any other form of communication that EnviroCleaning4U may use from time to time will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of New South Wales and Australia. If there is a dispute between our clients or any other party with EnviroCleaning4U that results in the need for the resolution of any dispute, then it must be submitted to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the state of New South Wales and federal courts located in New South Wales in Australia.

J.  Exclusion of Competitors

If you are in the business of providing cleaning services for a fee to clients including our current and previous employees, whether they be business clients or domestic clients then you are a competitor of EnviroCleaning4U. EnviroCleaning4U expressly excludes and does not permit you to use or access our website, to download any information from our website or obtain any such information through a third party. If you breach this term, then EnviroCleaning4U will hold you fully responsible for any loss that it might sustain and further holds you accountable for all profits that you might make from such non-permitted and improper use. EnviroCleaning4U reserves the right to exclude and not permit any person from using its communication material including our website or any of the information contained on it.

Clients are not permitted to enter into any form of agreement with our current or previous employees to provide a cleaning service within 12 (twelve) months from date of termination of service with EnviroCleaning4U unless this is approved by EnviroCleaning4U in writing and agreed to with the client concerned and the employee of EnviroCleaning4U whether current or previously employed by EnviroCleaning4U.

K.  Limitation of Liability

It is an essential pre-condition to you using EnviroCleaning4U’s services and website that you agree and accept that EnviroCleaning4U is not legally responsible for any loss or damage you might suffer related to your use of our services, products and website, howsoever arising. Your use of our services, products and website is at your own risk. If you use our services, products and website incorrectly, you may suffer adversely: you may not get the service outcome that you wanted or the outcome you desired, and you may suffer loss as a result. EnviroCleaning4U is not responsible for any loss or damage you may incur, however, it may arise by using EnviroCleaning4U and its services, products or website or any other form of communication from EnviroCleaning4U.

If you are unsure as to any of the terms or any of the information provided by EnviroCleaning4U or how it applies to your specific circumstances then you should consult your legal adviser (solicitor, barrister, paralegal etc.).

L.  Dispute Resolution

Any dispute or difference arising out of or in connection with the provision of services by EnviroCleaning4U which cannot be settled by EnviroCleaning4U within 30 (thirty) days will be referred to arbitration or to the local Sheriff for the collection of any outstanding invoices for services provided by EnviroCleaning4U or their associated or affiliated companies.

M.  Length of Service Provision

The agreement to engage the services of EnviroCleaning4U will be based on the terms and conditions outlined in this document, the quotation and invoice for services provided.

Any variations to the provisions of this service will be covered with a revised quotation and these variations noted in the invoice for the services rendered.

N.  Termination of Service Provision & Cancellation Fees

The recipient of EnviroCleaning4U’s services must provide 2 business day’s notice to EnviroCleaning4U before the time set for the provision of the services to commence to avoid a cancellation fee.

Cancellation Fees will apply if EnviroCleaning4U is not notified in accordance to this requirement and the full service fee will be charged.

 O.  Refund Policy 

As payment is made after the provision of our services a refund policy would not apply. However, if a deposit was paid and the request for service was cancelled prior to 48 (forty-eight) hours before the time the service was expected to take place a refund of fees paid would be refunded as a cancellation fee would only be brought into effect if the cancellation took place less than 48 (forty-eight) hours before the time the service was expected to take place.

Payment is expected within 7 (seven) days of the date of the invoice that will be issued after the provision of our services. The client is expected to make this payment as agreed when they accepted our quotation for the work to be done. If there is a dispute it would be dealt with in accordance with our Dispute Resolution terms.

All products sold by our affiliated or associated companies would be covered by the terms and conditions of use of the respective companies from which the service or products were purchased.

P.  Whole Terms and Conditions 

These terms and conditions represent the whole agreement between the client and EnviroCleaning4U concerning their use of the services or purchase of products and use of the website or any other form of communication used by EnviroCleaning4U when a quotation or invoice is accepted by a client. No other term is to be included except where it is required to be included by any legislation of the Commonwealth of Australia or the state of New South Wales in Australia. All implied terms except those implied by statute and which cannot be expressly excluded are hereby expressly excluded.

 Q.  Exclusion of Unenforceable Terms

Where any clause or term above would by any applicable statute be illegal, void, or unenforceable in any jurisdiction then such a clause shall not apply in that jurisdiction and shall be deemed never to have been included in these terms and conditions in that jurisdiction. However, if any clause above is legal and enforceable in any other jurisdiction, it shall continue to be fully enforceable and part of this agreement in those other jurisdictions. Any deemed exclusion of any term pursuant to this paragraph shall not affect or modify the full enforceability and construction of the other clauses of these terms and conditions.

R.  Contact Us

If you would like further information about our terms and conditions of use or about our services and products, please contact our office at:

EnviroCleaning4U is based in the Hunter and Central Coast Region of New South Wales, Australia

Phone 0407 784 509